Title: "Pit Bull Attack"

Author: Kara Dobbe, and a li'l help from Arianne!

Rated: Well, PG-13 for the carnage.

Send all comments to: kd2005@usa.net

Case-1114/ Pit bull Attack
The day of April 1, 1999 something very unX-phile like 
happened.  Me (Kara) my brother (Grant) and my two friends 
Arianne, and Dana were enjoying a nice spring day outside 
when we noticed two pit bulls were in my front yard. We 
yelled for my mom, but she did not believe us. She thought 
it was an April-fools-joke. But after a whole lot of 
screaming from us she finally came outside to see what was 
the cause of all the commotion.  You could clearly see the 
look of surprise on her face when she was confronted with 
two tan colored, mangy pit bulls.  We tried to get them to 
go away, but when Arianne opened the door one of the two 
pitbulls got inside. We somehow forced the mangy dog out 
of our house, but then it got eye of our cat Snunk. That's 
when the real trouble started. The stupid beast annoyed my 
cat so by smelling her butt, thus she became pissed and 
hissed at the dog.  Then the dogs got mad. They chased my 
poor cat up a tree about thirty feet.  But she wasn't safe 
yet, you see she has no front claws, so down she fell. We 
all screamed in fright as she flung to the ground. Not hurt, 
she dashed under the porch. We all thought the dogs could 
not get under the porch, well we were wrong. The smaller 
of the two pit bulls squeezed his ragged body under the 
dank porch.  Snunk being no fool ran out the other side and 
went for another tree, but she fell once again. This time 
into a huge ditch.  My mom, full of fear, ran after the 
cat, and fell in the ditch herself.  The dogs were close 
behind, ready to rip my cat and my mother to shreds.  So 
I being terribly noble went after the dogs.  I jumped on 
one, causing it to fall paralyzed to the ground. My brother 
went for a broom to beat the dogs with. Meanwhile over on 
the other side of the yard, Arianne and Dana stood in fear.  
Every once in awhile they would scream, and I could clearly 
hear Dana sobbing as the carnage broke lose. Finally Arianne 
ran over to my mother, who was drenched in blood, and pulled 
her out of the ditch, cat and all.  The three made their way 
into the house, as Grant and I chased off the vicious dogs.  
Dana, well… she just stood there.  
In the process of this horrible attack my mom got 20 puncture 
wounds up and down her arms.  She had to rush immediately to 
the hospital.  My cat Snunk nearly lost all her nine lives, 
and now walks with a permanent gimp.   I sprained arm and 
Grant cut his foot.  All in all that day was one of my worst, 
well except the time when I broke my arm in three places… oh 
yeah and when I broke my other arm falling off a horse at top 
speed, or when I got whip lash.  But those are different stories.  
If you'd like to here more about my injuries, drop me a line. 
Hope you had a nice April-Fools, I know mine is unforgettable.  
Bye for now!