These are a only a few of the many, many, poems I have
written over the years.



I think you enjoy my madness,
I think you want a little insanity in your life,
Your life of smiles and sugar,
You taste like sugar.
When you come near heads turn,
Then I turn away.
I don't belong in your life of smiles and sugar.
You say you know how it is my life of torn and shattered dreams,
And you say meaningless things.
Why do I keep coming back to your smiles and sugar?
Maybe I don't want so much depth in my thinking-
Everything's calm in the shallow water,
Everything's fine in your life of smiles and sugar.
There's just too much depth in my perception of life over here in the deep end.
You'll never swim out to my depth-
You'll drown,
And I'll carry you back to your life of smiles and sugar,
And then my depth will be shallow for awhile.



See the stars?
They're there-
but you can't have them.
I'm here-
but you won't have me.
Feel the breeze?
It leaves you with nothing.
Feel my touch,
I leave you with all.
Hear water sing?
It's tune is gone-
It was never there.
Hear my voice-
I am gone.
See the stars?
Not in daylight.....


Pick up the pieces of a fallen star-
let the night sky surround me, 
that seems so far. 
Far away is my soul-
that fell with the stars,
pick me up the pieces of a shattered heart.
You reach down inside me,
and steal my breath away-
pick up the shattered pieces,
you must be brave.
Your scared to see inside me...
your scared to feel the pain,
of my heart torn and shattered-
lying in the rain.



There once was a time full of Sublime,
of course that was so long ago.
There were vultures and theives at my back-
but now I can't think of that,
without having to lose rare control.
I left the place, 
the place of disgrace,
and headed on my way home,
and on my way I decided
to stay out in the wild un-known.
