Where are
you from:
Comments:Great page. I like your design. I hope you visit me to and sign my GB. :-)
Are you an X-phile?It's my favourite show but I don't call me that.
If so are you a Shipper or a Noromo?I'm Spooky... Sometimes...
How much do you watch the X-files?everytime
October 8, 99 19:32:24 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
Comments:Hey Buddy! Write me some time, K?
Are you an X-phile?Of Course!
If so are you a Shipper or a Noromo?Shipper!
How much do you watch the X-files?It's easier to say how much I don't watch XF.
September 5, 99 04:36:03 (GMT Time)

Name:Kerberos, Troubador Extroidanaire
Where are
you from:
someplace dark, wet, and warm...
Comments:Hey Bari, Guess Who? I like the poetry page, but the background is pretty damn ugly. Do I have to come down and change everything for you? and where's the link to my poetry, hmmm???
Are you an X-phile?I think so
If so are you a Shipper or a Noromo?Shipper
How much do you watch the X-files?as often as Raldo tapes it...*cough*
June 9, 99 03:46:30 (GMT Time)

Where are
you from:
the planet of the thumb
Comments:princess bunhead is extremely buttugly and all the words I can say are "aaaaaaaaaaaaa" and "ooooooooooooo"
Are you an X-phile?affirmative
If so are you a Shipper or a Noromo?i come from the planet Shipper and I actually wrote the book
How much do you watch the X-files?whenever luke groundrunner allows me
June 5, 99 23:01:43 (GMT Time)

Name:Lady Rhiannon
Where are
you from:
The Land Beyond Tomorrow
Comments:I'm so glad that you liked my page and also happy you signed my guestbook. The least I could do was return the favors.
Are you an X-phile?
If so are you a Shipper or a Noromo?
How much do you watch the X-files?It's been quite awhile.
April 19, 99 00:28:42 (GMT Time)

Name:goo goo
Email:ahhhh nevermind
Where are
you from:
Comments:cool page, loved the fic!
Are you an X-phile?yup
If so are you a Shipper or a Noromo?huh???
How much do you watch the X-files?lots......
April 14, 99 02:04:14 (GMT Time)