Title: "First Taste"
Author: Arianne Nellessen
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None that I can think of
Summary: First taste of love, simple as it may be.

Disclaimer: Of course I don't own Mulder or Scully, we all know 
it, I know it, God knows it, Chris Carter my buddy, you sure as
 heck know it on account of that you own them.  I like to think 
in the corner of my mind that no one owns them, but hey we all 
know they belong to Chris and his gang at 1013. 
The song first taste is written by Fiona Apple, definately not 
me, I can't write half as good as her.

I lie in an early bed, thinking late thoughts
Waiting for the black to replace my blue
I do not struggle in your web because it was my aim to be caught 
But daddy longlegs, I feel that I’m finally growing weary
Of waiting to be consumed by you

Give me the first taste
Let it begin heaven cannot wait 
Darling, just start the chase-I’ll let you win but you must
Make the endeavor...................

His hands lay loosely around my kneck, and he whispers 
in my ear that it is time to go. But I keep telling him no. 
 He doesn't meet my gaze, and just holds me without words, 
I know something is wrong.

Maybe it's because I'm drunk of my ass, or maybe he's just
 not in the mood tonight.  But when is he ever?  He has never
 actually made a serious pass at me, and it kind of pisses me off.
 What am I, undesirable?
How had we gotten this far anyway?  How had we become so close, 
but yet really so far apart?  God am I sick of asking questions 
that will never be answered.  Thats why I want to stop asking 
and start doing.  

I put my moist forhead against Mulders chest and breath him in.  
I want him to take me into his hands and tell me it's time to stop 
this foolish masquerade and start living.  Why do I feel he will 
never tell me this?  

"Really Scully, you dont look too good, let me take you home, ok?"  
he says pushing me away.

"No, just hold me....why cant you just stop and hold me Mulder?  
Don't say anything just hold me, because I am so tired, you have 
no idea." He looks at me now, I know he understands.  I pull his 
head down to mine and quietly whipser to him.  " Mulder, it would 
kill me if you drove me away." The words come in complete truth, 
and I am glad they have come.  It sobers me, and the weight I had 
been bearing around my heart starts to loosen.
Mulder looks at me, I mean he really looks at me.  For the first 
time he really sees me. With all my faults, all my short comings,
 and he accepts them all.  His eyes tell me he wants me this way. 

"Oh I see." He says taking me into his big strong arms.
I can feel him breathing me in, taking in my life.  Our eyes 
never leave one anothers face.  
"What happened tonight Scully?"  Mulder asks pulling me even 

"Just let go, I guess, ever do that Mulder ever just let go?"

"Yeah I'm doing it right now......"
He pushes his lips against mine and drops his hands to my waist.  
I feel his tongue part my lips and I graciously let him in.  
We are joined now, some how this kiss makes everything different.  
I taste Mulder there in his living room.  Even more I let him 
taste me.  I had never given myself to someone compltely.  Never 
just let someone have me.  I've always had to be in control, but 
all was changed now.  I melt into Mulder and give up my soul to him.  

Mulder explored me with his tongue that night.  And I explored 
him with mine.  Yes, It was only kiss that lasted only a few seconds, 
but for me and Mulder it was one huge step.  

Our lips part now, and Mulder walks me to the door.  
Yes I would go now, I would not complian, I would go. 
~~~~~~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

So ho ho, what did ya think???  I haven't been getting much 
feedback on my stories from people lately, and it sort of leads 
me to believe that maybe they aren't that good, so I hope I get 
some more feedback on this baby.

send comments to: arianne2002@yahoo.com